The Unsung Heroes And Heroines Of The Holy Bible

The Unsung Heroes And Heroines Of The Holy Bible

The Unsung Heroes And Heroines Of The Holy Bible
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The story of this book:
“When you and I read the Holy Scriptures, we look out for the “giants” like the Apostle Peter, whom Jesus appointed the leader of the Apostles; or we give our attention to Paul the apostle to the none-Jewish believers and Moses always grabs our attention of course. However, there are people in the Bible who play such special roles that their stories contribute tremendously to make the book the most exceptional book known to man.
My purpose for writing this book is to call attention to the revelation the Spirit brought to me a while ago – He said:
 “I do not determine value with the metrics or measurements that humans use. For instance, the prophets in the Old Testament are grouped into Minor Prophets and Major Prophets by man; and those two categories are determined by the size of the book that the prophets were inspired to write – prophets who wrote large volumes, are classified as major and those who wrote smaller volumes, are described as minor. However, when I chose my own Major Prophet to appear alongside Moses, My Servant during the transfiguration of the Son, I chose someone who did not write even a sentence – I chose Elijah. So you see that I do not use the measure of men.”
Thus I write to draw the attention of the body of Christ to those characters that we have neglected because they are either mentioned once in the scriptures or their stories are so short that they seem insignificant. My decision is in keeping with the truth of the Word in 1 Corinthians 12 that the very members of Christ’s body which seem to be the feeblest are very necessary. This book is also written to encourage Christians who are doing the apparently insignificant things in the churches of Christ and in all true ministries all over the world, that the Lord observes everything and His Word to those who did big things and those who did small things will be same “You have been faithful over a FEW things; I will make thee ruler over MANY things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord”. How gracious!
As I prepared to write this book, I was amazed to see the roles that these unsung heroes and heroines played in the gospel of God’s Son and I have learned a lot from paying attention to those characters that I have hitherto ignored.

I would have had a man called Epaphras in chapter one of this book, for that man was the first unsung hero that I came in contact with in the Bible, but that was when I was a teenage boy. I didn’t know then that I would write a book like this, I was just so impressed by the character of Epaphras that I thought it would be harmless to try to follow his example. Notwithstanding, I actually received the title for this book after my attention was called to an almost silent character in the New Testament: he is found in the Words of the Lord Jesus in the last book of the Bible and His Name is Antipas.
Another thing that absolutely shook my knowledge of the scriptures is about the financial sponsorship of the Lord’s ministry while He walked the land of Israel. Recall that the Lord Jesus did not work, neither did he run a business; and although the disciples that He picked were busy business people and professionals in their fields, they left all and followed Him is the expression that we see about them in the gospels. Levi or Matthew was a staff of the Roman government that ruled Israel in those days and he, after Jesus called him, turned in his resignation, organized a send off party for himself and invited the Lord Jesus, his professional colleagues in the government’s tax collection and customs office and the disciples who were called before him; and we are never told that he went back to work before the crucifixion of our Lord. That Matthew’s party caused the Pharisees to criticize the Lord for eating with publicans and sinners, but he, Matthew, became a disciple, was chosen as an Apostle by the Lord and wrote the book of Matthew by the inspiration of the Spirit; a book that has blessed humans for thousands of years. Peter and His brother Andrew, owned a fishing company which they closed down to follow Him; and they were without money to the extent that Peter, a law abiding citizen who always paid his taxes, had no money to pay when the collectors came and that was when Jesus told him to “Go the river, use a hook, the first fish that you get, has a coin in its mouth, take it and pay the taxes for Me and you. James and John were the two most Senior Executives who reported to their father in his own fishing company, after the Lord called them when they were executing a routine maintenance on their fishing equipment, they resigned with the blessings of their father and followed Him. So how did Jesus get money for the ministry? The answer is here: we are told that there were women who followed Him everywhere, rich women, women who had been healed from sicknesses and diseases and some of them delivered from demon oppression and possession; and that those women ministered to Him or continuously donated money to him from their substance or savings and incomes. Three of them are mentioned as Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Suzanna; and the rest are described as Many Others or many other women. Wow! The ministry of the Lord while He walked the earth was sponsored mainly by women – these women will be the first heroines that we will examine in this book, and they appear in chapter three; and thankfully, the number of the leaders, 3, is in alignment with the chapter number – what a mighty God we serve!

In this book you will encounter names you did not even realize existed in the Bible, but their stories will so bless you that you will not forget their names and the sight of those names will bring smiles to your face when you see them after you read this book. You will meet Stephanas, Dionysius, Tychicus, Rhoda, Epaphroditus, Susanna, Joanna, Onesiphorsu, Sylvanus and many others.”
