Smart Girls and Smart Women


A girl falls for a guy because he took her to a nice restaurant to eat and drink and then bought her a dinner gown and a pair of shoes in an elegant boutique. He prioritizes her need for food and clothing above her life (her existence) and person (her inner being; body). But she celebrates his misplaced priorities because they do not defy her misplaced expectations; for the average girl anywhere in the world today, clothes and food are more important than life!
The rate of divorce is escalating all over because a man meets a woman and asks questions about her clothes – “what is your favorite color? Where did you get these shoes? They are gorgeous.” Then he talks about how he likes her bangles and her necklace – clothes, clothes, and clothes. When he is tired of talking to her about clothes; he switches to food; he says, “Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow? Please don’t say no. I want to have the privilege of buying you something to eat at one of my favorite places to eat”; then he adds, “if money was not a consideration, what would you like to eat at the dinner?” She gets home and she is ecstatic, she calls her friends and family and tells them she met an angel of a man and then when they ask her why she is so excited about him, she tells them how he was so concerned about her clothes, her food, her drinks, And then she says “he gave me some money to shop for clothes!” Does that sound familiar?
And on her part; the girl is bothered about clothes. She looks at his suit and smiles and she is eager to see his car (his car: clothing, mobile clothing or mobile cover). And when she gets home; she tells her friend about how lovely his house is and how his office is located in one nice part of town; and then she says, “do you know what? He cooked for me?” She goes from food to clothes and from clothes to food. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
A month after spending all of the time talking and thinking about meat (food) and raiment (clothes and houses and cars); he gives her a diamond ring and they are married. Two months or two years into the marriage; they begin to discover that there are two things more important than food and clothes – life and the person or the body; and they conclude that they have no business being acquaintances, let alone friends. They file for a divorce and deceive their friends with the now popular words; “We are still friends; we love each other; but we just realized that we are not meant to be with each other for life.” Lies, lies and more lies.
Let me take that again with interjected brackets. “We are still friends” (lies; they were never friends, friendship can never be based on clothes and drinks and food – call it companionship or something else, don’t call it friendship; true friendship is based on the coming together of two compatible personalities and personality is internal); “we love each other” (Really? More lies; they never loved each other, no man falls in love with a woman because of the food she likes or because of the color of her favorite gown – people fall in love because of a connection in their inner beings, a God-given connection, it happens in their hearts and human hearts don’t wear clothes); “but we just realized that we are not meant to be with each other for life“(you should have realized that if you had learnt from the Lips of the Master – hear him again – life is more than meat or food and the body or the person is more important than raiment or clothes (houses, offices, cars, clothing, shoes). Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Smart women look out for guys who have more to say than the color of their skirt and the curve on their hairdo. The wise girls look for substance. They ask curios questions, they want to know what the guy thinks about life, where is values originate from and the issues that drives his priorities. The smart girl focuses on life first, the body second, before clothes and food

"Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? 


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