What Exactly Are You Putting Into That Offering Bowl?

If you offer the blind for sacrifice is not evil? Mal 1:8

What we offer to God as sacrifice either reveals the depths of our heart as evil or good – there is no in-between!
God demands the best that we can offer – size does not matter but quality counts – size is a function of what is left in the store houses; what is small for one may be big for another and what is big for one person may be very small in the hands of another; and size is never measured for what we give compared to what others give, size is what we give compared to what God has given to us.
All over the world in churches and Christian gatherings, many are offering evil offerings to God; their offerings are evil because their offerings are blind!
People give blind offerings to God when they deliberately offer the worst of their goods, materials, money and time – such offerings are evil and that’s not my opinion; God calls them evil, and He calls them blind sacrifices
When you offer to God in the church, something that has no use to you – it is evil – it is an evil offering
When your church needs to raise money desperately for an evangelical mission and the church decides to follow the example of the early church in Acts of the Apostles and members of Christ body sell what they could or bring it to the church to sell in order to use the proceeds to procure tools to fish for men and women; and you because you want to be seen as a participant even though your heart is not in your actions, and you choose materials and goods that are totally worthless to you, things that you would have thrown away otherwise, and bring them to offer them to God  – you are bringing an evil offering to the Creator and that is totally unacceptable, it is a blind offering, it is evil.

It is better not to offer anything in sacrifice to God than to offer the blind for sacrifice; such blind materials, money, time, goods, services etc are evil.
Church people with evil hearts, offer evil offerings to God – worthless offerings are evil offerings; If you offer the blind for sacrifice is not evil?
Offerings as sacrifices are acceptable to God under one condition, what is the quality of the offering, is it blind and evil? What do you have left after your supposed sacrifice?
Jesus sat down and watched as people in ancient Israel cast their offerings into the offerings of God in the synagogue; after observing the rich casting in huge amounts of money, he spotted a humble widow casting in her money; He called His disciples unto Himself and explained to them that that poor widow, pointing to a certain unassuming woman, had given more than all who gave into the offerings of God on that day. The disciples were thoroughly amazed; “What?” Their shocked faces queried; for they like many of this day, measure the goodness of offerings by the size of what is given; the Lord replied with a stern look or perhaps with a nice smile. “You see”, the Master explained, “all these people gave those apparently big offerings from their abundance – what they have given has not bothered their finances or materials in anyway because, what they have given is extremely insignificant compared to what they have left at home, in their storehouses and in the banks – but this woman has just cast in everything that she had, yes, she cast in ALL her living” So in my “Offeringmeter”, the Lord continued; “she gave more than all the rich people who have given offerings in this service today.”
She cast in all her living

Sacrifices should be sacrifices – they should cost the giver. A sacrifice should create physical discomfort in the resources of the giver because ultimately they bring about rewards of increased comfort from the God who receives them
Healthy offerings are good offerings; they delight the eyes of our God
If we have been giving evil offerings, we must repent and take action – stop bringing the blind animals; bring the seeing animals, yes, bring the animals that can see, the animals which have futures, the animals that are marketable. In our day, animals have been replaced by gifts, money, materials, time and most important of all, the heart.
