Women Marginalized by the Bible? Please Give Me a Break!


A CNN staff once said that the Bible is the most misogynist (a book that promotes hatred and disregard for women) book ever written! How ignorant is that assertion!
Have you ever heard people who know so little about the Bible claiming that Christianity is a faith that marginalizes women? And do you as a lady sometimes suffer inferiority because of the perceived marginalization of women in the Bible? Then this article was written with you in mind.  The first woman was given a name by God and it was not ‘Eve’; Eve is the name Adam gave his wife because he said she was the mother of all who would ever walk the earth besides her husband, Adam. God named Eve before he took her from Adam’s side, He called her ‘a help’. The only other person who is called a help in the scriptures is God Himself, we are told that God is a present Help in the time of trouble, and the Lord Jesus described the Holy Spirit Who is God, as the Helper (Comforter). Women marginalized by the Bible? Please give me a break!

When God decided to come to the world, He had enough power to come through a man but He chose to come through a woman without the help of a man; women marginalized by the Bible? Please give me a break! The most important message Jesus ever gave to His disciples was given first to a woman. Yes; Mary Magdalene was the first human to carry the resurrection message. Women marginalized by the Bible? Please give me a break! The only person Jesus said should be talked about in addition to Himself wherever his message would be preached everywhere in the world until He returns to earth was a woman! That was the woman who anointed Him with costly ointment.

Should I go on? The first miracle Jesus performed on earth was done because a woman asked Him to do it! It was at the marriage of a man and a woman at Cana of Galilees. The only thing God said that seemed to favor men is that He said the man is the head of the woman; but then he added an enormous responsibility: He said the man is the head of the woman as Christ is the head of the Church therefore, He added that the man should be willing to give his life for the woman! Women marginalized by the Bible? Please give me a break!
